- #Simple android app source code eclipse apk#
- #Simple android app source code eclipse install#
- #Simple android app source code eclipse android#
- #Simple android app source code eclipse license#
Hence, you should not load EPUB files obtained from untrusted sources. However, JavaScript might also be exploited by an attacker to damage your device. Important Note: JavaScript is enabled by default because it allows lot of interesting things in EPUB 3 eBooks.
#Simple android app source code eclipse apk#
If you download the APK file directly onto your tablet/smartphone, please be sure to select Raw or View raw, otherwise you will download the GitHub Web page (with apk extension), and the installation will give you an error. The installation is simple: just copy the APK to your sdcard and open it with the default package manager.
#Simple android app source code eclipse android#
#Simple android app source code eclipse install#
To install the APK on your smartphone or tablet, you need:
a pre-compiled APK from the Releases tab.
See SCREENSHOTS.md Download, Installation, and Privacy/Security Notes If the XHTML files inside an EPUB comply with the naming convention described below, the app is capable of automatically showing facing pages in two languages, turning to the previous/next chapter in both panels simultaneously.įinally, the user can split the viewport for reading two completely unrelated eBooks. This mechanism makes footnotes (internal links) or other supplemental materials (internal or external links) visible at the same time with the referring text passage, exactly like footnotes in paper books. In the case of links, a single tap will follow them in the same window panel, while a long tap will split the viewport into two window panels, opening the link target in the second one. In both cases, the app allows the user to split the viewport, creating two separate viewing areas, mimicking the familiar interaction with paper books, where, at the same time, the user can read 1) a footnote and the main text, 2) multiple passages from the same book, 3) passages from different books, and 4) the original text with its translation in another language, on facing pages.
#Simple android app source code eclipse license#
License: The MIT License (MIT), see the included LICENSE.md file.If you are interested in developing an EPUB (3) reading app with "power user" features, you might be interested in Minstrel: Web page Code Abstract This project is in a standby state, as no student has worked on it now for a while.